Rheological testing
Exploring the flow properties of polymers
Our equipment consisting of rotational and high-pressure capillary rheometers measures rheological properties as a function of temperature, time, and deformation rate. In doing so, viscoelastic properties are investigated in the ranges of small as well as large shear and strain rates. We draw on our experience with a wide variety of polymer materials such as homopolymers, polymer blends, nanocomposites, block copolymers, and compounds.

Contact: Ute Kuhn
Phone: +49 921 55 7475
E-mail: ute.kuhn@uni-bayreuth.de
The Rheometer MCR 702 with TwinDrive technology and two separate motors drives enables the following test modes:
- 2 EC Modus: both motors can operate as drive units and torque transducer and can be used in different modes: Counter-rotation or SMT-Mode (“Separate Motor Transducer)
- EC-Mode: only one motor is used (single motor operation)
Max. Frequency ω [rad/s] 628
Angular Velocity [rad/s] 10-9 – 314
Max. Torque [mNm] 230
Min. Torque Rotation [nNm] 1 / 5 (SMT)
Min. Torque Oscillation [nNm] 0.5 / 1 (SMT)
Torque Sensitivity [nNm] 0.1
Normal Force [N] 0.001 – 50
Resolution Normal Force [mN] 0.5
Temperature range [°C] 25 – 450 (Convection Temperature Device)
Pressure cell: 400 bar / 200 °C
UXF-Tool (elongational viscosity)
SRF/TD-Tool (DMTA measurements)
Location: University of Bayreuth

Maximum angular frequency ω [rad/s] 628
Shear rate [1/s] 0.01 – 100
Maximum torque [mNm] 150.0
Torque resolution [nNm] 0.01
Normal force range [N] 0.05 – 50
Temperature range [°C] 25 – 200
Pressure cell: 400 bar / 200°C
UV curing
Location: University of Bayreuth

Maximum angular frequency ω [rad/s] 628
Shear rate [1/s] 0.01 – 100
Maximum torque [mNm] 150.0
Torque resolution [nNm] 0.01
Normal force range [N] 0.05 – 50
Temperature range [°C] 25 – 200
Pressure cell: 400 bar / 200°C
RheoPlus, RheoCompass
Property of Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH
Location: University of Bayreuth

Maximum angular frequency ω [rad/s] 500
Shear rate [1/s] 0.001 – 100
Torque [nNm] 0.2 – 200.0
Maximum force [N] 50
Angle range [mrad] 0.05 – 500
Temperature range [°C] -150 – 600
Plate – Plate, Cone – Plate, Extensional Viscosity Fixture (EVF), Disposable Plates
TA Orchestrator
Location: University of Bayreuth
The capillary rheometer RG75 can be operated with up to three capillaries simultaneously. This means that the actual viscosity can be determined with relatively little effort. The special coating makes the measuring system suitable for determining the viscosity of corrosive matrices.
Shear rate [mm/s] 0,00004 – 4000
Max. Force [kN] 75
Pressure [ bar] 20 – 2000
Temperature range [°C] 30 – 400
Rheotens 71.97
Laser optics
Location: University of Bayreuth
Contact: Juan Felipe Castro-Landinez, M. Sc.
Phone: +49 921 55 7480